Announcing Grant Maximizer™… customizable grant management software that provides your organization with a multi-faceted solution for managing, tracking and reporting grant funds with simplicity and ease.
With its 5 distinct components, Grant Maximizer™ saves time, saves money, and eliminates tedious manual effort for every person with a hand in the process – including individual grant managers, program managers, directors of grants management, and more.
Greater Detail Without the Number Crunching
Imagine the relief and peace of mind you and your staff could enjoy when virtually every piece of grant data you need is instantly available any time from a simple dashboard and a series of quick-access reports.
With the intelligent Grant Maximizer™ software doing the work for you, hours of trolling through spreadsheets to manage budgets, reconcile data, and generate reports is reduced to just a few mouse clicks.
Takes You Out of the Stone Age
and into the 21st Century
Developed by Certified Public Accountants who specialize in grant fund accounting, Grant Maximizer™…
- Resolves important compliance and accountability issues
- Maximizes the performance of every grant dollar
- Strengthens Grantor relationships
- Optimizes future grant opportunities
- And more
Whether you’re in the thick of the labor-intensive data work or you manage multiple grants and programs, Grant Maximizer™ lifts a painful burden from your shoulders.
Grant Maximizer™ Screen Shots:
“The new GMS system, with its customized reports, has literally saved us hours of work per week. And it saves a considerable amount of time in preparing for board meetings, project reviews, and both our state and federal audits. I was astounded at the ease and accuracy of the process.”
“The memorized reports have helped me process our grant reimbursements instantly and with incredibly less paperwork! That in turn improves our cash flow, and being a nonprofit, cash flow is always an issue.”
Project GRAD, Kenai Peninsula